Profile PictureChanti Lin

Hi, I'm Chanti🍀 I will post my Patreon past rewards here. Selling to any person who likes my artworks but missing some old rewards, or just wanna buy certain art packs. 嗨嗨~我是Chanti🍀 我會將我Patreon上的過往獎勵CG集發佈在這裡,供喜歡我的作品但錯過舊獎勵的人、或只想收藏特定幾期獎勵的人購買 If you are interested for monthly supporting, here is my Patreon link: 若您有興趣長期支持我的創作,請至我的Patreon: ➡ You can print my artworks for personal use. For example, you can print it as a postcard, mug...etc. Just for your own. You can also print it as a few (Less than 20) gifts to your friends. But please DO NOT sell it or trade it. DO NOT redistribute the raw files. Thank you! :) 您可以印我的作品用在你個人使用的物品上,例如明信片、馬克杯等等的一些小東西,或是印成少數(20個以下)實體禮物送給親友,但請勿作任何販賣交易用途,也請勿散布原始檔案,謝謝!:) Reward List & Progress|每期獎勵與上架進度表: ➡

Showing 1-9 of 97 products

Bundle Pack

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Art Pack #90 [Fanworks Collection 2023]

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Art Pack #89 [Sep-Dec 2022]

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Art Pack #88 [Aug-Oct 2022]

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Art Pack #87 [Apr-Jul 2022]

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Art Pack #86 [Oct 2021-Mar 2022]

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Art Pack #85 [Aug-Sep 2021]

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Art Pack #84 [Jun-Aug 2021]


Art Pack #83 [Jan-Jun 2021]

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